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Libero.it - Mail, Community, News, il motore di ricerca e molti altri servizi. Scopri il grande portale italiano.www.libero.it

2020-02-27 - Collect Click to view

Direct Language Lab &ndash

Direct Language Lab – our mission is to provide language schools with coursebooks for learning foreign languages by means of the direct method

2020-02-27 - Collect Click to view


View HAY.dk’s range of designer furniture, find local dealers, learn more about the designers’ backgrounds and be updated on the latest design news here.

2020-01-20 - Collect Click to view


Form and function with a clever twist. Pioneered by Scandinavian designer Jens Quistgaard, Dansk honors creativity over conformity with uniquely crafted dinnerware, cookware and serveware, to celebrate those bold and colorful moments at every meal.

2020-01-20 - Collect Click to view


Get latest bollywood news, film awards, celebrity updates, latest hindi movie releases and reviews only at Filmfare. Find celeb gossip, fashion with exclusive stories and pictures.

2020-01-19 - Collect Click to view

United States Patent and Trademark Office

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency for granting U.S. patents and registering trademarks. In doing this, the USPTO fulfills the mandate of Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, of the Constitution that the legislative branch \"promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.\" The USPTO registers trademarks based on the commerce clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). Under this system of protection, American industry has flourished. New products have been invented, new uses for old ones discovered, and employment opportunities created for millions of Americans. The strength and vitality of the U.S. economy depends directly on effective mechanisms that protect new ideas and investments in innovation and creativity. The continued demand for patents and trademarks underscores the ingenuity of American inventors and entrepreneurs. The USPTO is at the cutting edge of the nation\'s technological progress and achievement.

2020-01-17 - Collect Click to view


Yahoo www.yahoo.com News, email and search are just the beginning. Discover more every day. Find your yodel.

2019-12-10 - Collect Click to view


Expand the largest, most comprehensive, human-reviewed directory of the web www.dmoztools.net

2019-12-10 - Collect Click to view

Juicy Couture官网

Juicy Couture官网是成立于1997年加州洛杉矶地区的服饰产品品牌Juicy Couture官方网站,品牌旗下的产品包括了:服装,配饰以及香水等.如今在北美已经拥有了超过100家门店.2013年十月七号,品牌正式以19500万美元出售给Authentic Brand Group. Juicy Couture官网将旗下充满活力的服饰产品进行展示,无论是包包,还是运动服饰都包含了各种不同的时尚颜色,满足年轻人对于时尚产品,生活以及运动理念的认同.

2016-09-08 - Collect Click to view


CDW是总部设立在伊利诺伊的信息产品和服务的提供商,为包括企业,政府以及教育等集团提供产品技术服务。公司的第二大分支CDW-G主要为美国政府机构,比如学校,大学,城市以及联邦政府提供服务。 CDW还在2007年的时候成立了非盈利机构,主要是向机构,政府部门,宗教,社会服务机构辅助提供一些可以支持的技术工具以及服务。一些诸如BROOKINGS INSTITUTION, SALVATION ARMY, PCAOB, AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION都是旗下的一些客户。

2016-09-08 - Collect Click to view