网络推荐 152 2022-10-06
与武汉工业学院油脂植物蛋白工程技术研发中心合作,充分利用武汉工业学院大宗粮油精深加工教育部重点实验先进的仪器设备,联合国内外设备、制造、油脂生产等多家单位共同开发研究,逐渐推出了特殊油料低温压榨专业系列榨油机,按照公司特殊的制造技术标准制造,并由武汉工业学院油脂植物蛋白工程技术研发中心监制生产。Wuhan New Concept Agricultural Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Wuhan, the largest city in central area of China as well as the most bustling city of inland China, known as transportation junction of nine provinces and reputed as Chicago in the east. Established in 2007, the company is an oil machinery enterprise specialized in integration of research, design, manufacture, sales and service. Adhering to the pure physical pressing method the company cooperates with colleges and universities. Through overall modification and technical innovation for oil press process, deep investigation and research, rational design and repetitive test, the company has developed series products of twin-screw, low temperature, cold press “New Concept oil press” featuring large output, high rate of oil yield, automatic centering, low temperature cold press, safety and convenience, etc., which makes functions of oil press more perfect, performance more advanced. Through years of promotion and application, the products are well received by enterprises and scientific institutes in oil machinery industry.
By cooperation with Oil Plant Protein Engineering Technology Research and Development Center of Wuhan Polytechnic University, full utilization of advanced instrument and equipment for key test of education department for intensive processing of bulk grain and oil of Wuhan Polytechnic University and coalition with several domestic and foreign companies involving in equipment manufacturing and oil production, etc., the company gradually presents low temperature press special series of oil press for special oil, which is manufactured according to the company's special manufacturing technology standard. It is produced under surveillance of Oil Plant Protein Engineering Technology Research and Development Center of Wuhan Polytechnic University.
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