网络推荐 173 2022-10-05
汇达恒业拥有专业的技术开发团队、营销团队、客户服务团队以及诸多工业品牌制造商合作伙伴。目前销售品牌有瑞士ABB、法国施耐德,美国3M、日本欧姆龙/SMC、德国BOSCH/SIEMENS等诸多国际品牌。产品类型更是涉及八大类且充足的产品库存确保产品现货供应,当天定货,当天发货,追求高品质、高性价比、为客户带来价值。Since the establishment of Suzhou Huida Hengye, all employees of the company have been focusing on the spirit of craftsmanship, striving to reduce procurement costs and improve work efficiency for customers. Make MRO procurement easier and easier. We are a professional one-stop purchasing service provider of MRO industrial products. We always keep the business philosophy of developing together with customers, suppliers, society and employees. Always adhere to our core values, gradually influence and change more people, make continuous progress together, and strive to make new benchmark and contribution to China's MRO industry.
Huida Hengye has professional technology development team, marketing team, customer service team and many industrial brand manufacturer partners. At present, the sales brands include ABB in Switzerland, Schneider in France, 3m in the United States, Omron / SMC in Japan, Bosch / Siemens in Germany and many other international brands. The product type involves eight categories and sufficient product inventory to ensure the spot supply of all products, order on the same day and deliver on the same day, to pursue high quality, high cost performance and bring irreplaceable value to customers.
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