网络推荐 146 2022-08-06
Shanghai Peaks Measure&Control Technology Co., Ltd is founded in 2010, a High-tech enterprise which is a collection of automation control research and development, manufacturing, marketing and technical, We own multiple patents and software copyright about measurement and control applications of many technical indicators including temperature, humidity, velocity, concentration, pressure and others, and We combines the high integrated circuit design and production process, had passed ISO9001 quality management system certificate. The company independently developed fuzzy PID series temperature controller, servo motor control system, electronic expansion valve refrigeration control system and other products. The highly compatible telecommunication system We made can accurately transmit and store data through WIFI and mobile network, which truly realize remote man-machine interaction. It is a combination of front-end technologies such as Internet of Things and big data with laboratories, which is much closer to users' intelligent needs, and the future.- Prev: 新美亚科技-武汉新美亚科技开发有限公司简介
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