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黔东南2021年事业单位公开招聘网上报名http://bm.lishuedu.com/qdn/Webregister/广大考生可在2021年7月21日09:00至7月23日17:30期间通过下列任意一种方式进行网上报名: 登录“黔东南人力资源社会保障网 (http://rsj.qdn.gov.cn/)”点击“网上报名系统”进行报名。

2021-07-18 - 收藏 点击查看

Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Hong Kong Shue Yan University strives to nurture its students to becoming successful individuals, by combining professional and practical knowledge with societal needs that allow young graduates to flourish and adapt to the sociey quickly after taking higher education.

2021-02-22 - 收藏 点击查看

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