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Welcome to the Internet\'s database of nationally airing TV Commercials. Top funny commercials, best advertisement, banned commercials

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看

Eyepetizer | 开眼视频

Eyepetizer | 开眼视频, 在开眼,我们拒绝泛娱乐化沉沦,珍惜每一位用户的碎片化时间,努力让每一次点击,每一段三五分钟的浏览,都能为用户打开一个新的世界,体会新的表达,引发新的思考。让前进的动力成为我们与用户彼此相伴的最核心理由。

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看



2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看


Dieline is a bespoke creative platform that exists to serve the packaging community. Our mission is to build a global community of practitioners and to advocate the packaging industry towards more sustainable solutions through creativity and innovation

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看


Artsy is the world’s largest online art marketplace. Browse over 1 million artworks by iconic and emerging artists from 4000+ galleries and top auction houses.

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看


Osocio is dedicated to social advertising and non-profit campaigns. It’s the place where marketing and activism collide. Osocio is the central online hub for advertisers, ad agencies, grassroots, activists, social entrepreneurs, and good Samaritans from around the globe.

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看

Social Media Today

The latest news, trends, and tips in social media.Social Media News | Social Media Today

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看


「品牌星球BrandStar」是关注品牌创新、新消费与 DTC 品牌的数字媒体,内容涵盖前沿资讯、深度报道、营销案例、创意设计及趋势洞察等,致力于以国际的视野挖掘驱动美好生活的品牌,成为中国品牌创新的重要推动者之一。

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看

MediaPost Publications

MediaPost Publications is an on-line publishing resource for all advertising media professionals - TV, cable, radio, print, interactive, agencies, buyers, and reps - providing news, articles and commentary.

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看


As an independent online daily brand journal, Brandingmag represents an insightful source of news and opinions from the industry.

2022-08-17 - 收藏 点击查看