PingCode 是简单易用的新一代研发管理工具,覆盖敏捷开发、测试管理、项目集和知识库,让研发管理自动化、数据化、智能化,帮助企业提升研发效能。
Codeforces. Programming competitions and contests, programming community Codeforces 是一家总部位于俄罗斯的竞赛编程网站,它会定期举办在线比赛,并且竞赛选手是世界上一些最优秀的程序员。他们的挑战通常需要用到高等数学和算法,如果你是一个编程新手,他们的挑战很可能对你来说难度比较大。
CodeSignal is the leading technical interview solution, helping talent acquisition and engineering teams #GoBeyondResumes to hire high-quality and diverse technical talent. Use CodeSignal's skills evaluation frameworks to tap into underrepresented pools of candidates, save valuable engineering resources, increase speed-to-hire, and increase candidate pipeline yield.
A coding practice website for all programming levels – Join a community of over 3 million developers and improve your coding skills in over 55 programming languages!Codewars - Achieve mastery through coding practice and developer mentorship
Improve your coding skills with our library of 300+ challenges and prepare for coding interviews with content from leading technology companies.Coderbyte 提供了200多种编程挑战。在这里,你可以:使用10种编程语言中的一种进行在线挑战。看到网站发布的大多数挑战的官方解决方案。查看该网站其他80万用户为同一挑战提供的解决方案。
Powerful coding training system. LintCode has the most interview problems covering Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Amazon, Microsoft and so on. We provide Chinese and English versions for coders around the world.
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力扣(LeetCode)官网 - 全球极客挚爱的技术成长平台 领扣网络(上海)有限公司是一家专注程序员技术提升和企业技术人才服务的科技公司。旗下品牌力扣(LeetCode)源自美国硅谷,为全球程序员提供了专业的 IT 技术职业化提升平台,有效帮助程序员实现快速进步和长期成长。
Build, share, and learn JavaScript, CSS, and HTML with our online code editor. CodePen: Online Code Editor and Front End Web Developer Community